
ACMOC Membership Benefits

  • FREE quarterly magazine filled with content about antique Caterpillar machines
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  • Full Bulletin Board Access
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$44 /year ELECTRONIC

$60 /year USA

$77 /year International

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5 years 2 months ago #203143 by sheddcanyon
Replied by sheddcanyon on topic Joining Online

I gave up trying to sign up online and called the number. A very nice lady named Mary got it all figured out for me.

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5 years 2 months ago #203145 by juiceman
Replied by juiceman on topic You may not like this...
C$$$ addendum to his initial post; I see that on social media, whereby one is only allowed to access to read X number of articles in their entirety; if you like what you see, you can become a subscriber. Just like the country club(no, I’m not a golfer) I have been invited to dine or participate in golf or tennis (again, not me) by a member in good standing; I am only allowed once a month or whatever their bylaws allow, otherwise, unless I’m there to shampoo the carpets or wash windows, I am not allowed back unless I join.
Some of us have mentioned tiered membership, aka Lifetime/Donor/sponsor/wannabe(kidding)/annual etc. Personally I wouldn’t mind becoming a lifetime member so I only have to write one check. My current membership expires at the end of 2020, only because I mistakenly paid my dues like 3 times within 6 months? If I keel over early, I look at it this way, I become ambient temperature, and the club doesn’t have to send me anymore magazines!
We are glad that there are many of you paid up or becoming new members. An honor to be amongst you!
To the others, I hope that you don’t take offense to some of the rants here, enjoy reading the posts, chime in, get some good advice on yellow iron, but please consider becoming a member!

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5 years 2 months ago #203153 by D4Jim
Received the BOD election form today and it is a good slate with some respectable members agreeing to re-up for another term. No question but what they are working hard to fix all the issues and to set the club on a path of sustainability.

For my 2 cents it is is impossible to offer the slick magazine and all the other frills of the club without some sort of dues increase. For me, my Cat equipment would be in a rust heap except for the help and knowledge of those associated with the BB and the club.

The BOD is hamstrung with a lot of advance paid memberships that were sold to cheap. (I'm one of them) That being said, there is a link to donate to the club on the website under store / donations. So if you feel like you got too much of a bargain for your membership, make a donation. Not sure if the link to donations works for non members or not.

ACMOC Member 25 years
D47U 1950 #10164
Cat 112 1949 #3U1457
Cat 40 Scraper #1W-5494

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5 years 2 months ago #203170 by Paso Bob
Replied by Paso Bob on topic You may not like this...
I agree with everything Crawler $ said. In fact I posted something similar to that last year. The amount of advise one can obtain on this site can be worth a small fortune or can just cover an easy task. Board members, please take note and charge to post and see the pictures. It's pennies on the dollar.

D-4 7U-43159 with 4S dozer and Cat 40 scraper, D-7 3T-1179 with Cat 7S hydraulic dozer, D-7 17A 13,944, D-8 14A-1160 with Cat 8S cable dozer, Cat 12-99E-4433 Grader. All runners and users.

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5 years 2 months ago #203183 by Wombat
Replied by Wombat on topic You may not like this...
I would like to thank all of those that have posted on this thread for your honest comments and ideas, this is a great help to the BoD in its decision making processes, gives us an insight into the thinking of the membership and what may be acceptable to the membership. The BoD and respective committees are working on most of these ideas at present, expect in due course communication from the BoD as to changes it may deem necessary for the continuing viability of the Club. We have had some complaints about change from those who find change difficult, however the world we are in is constantly changing, and like any business it is important for the Club management to keep up with it, without diminishing service to the membership.

Your servant, Wombat (Neil Clydsdale)

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5 years 2 months ago #203191 by Deas Plant.
Replied by Deas Plant. on topic Sand-bagging.
Hi, Folks.
I must confess that I have been sand-bagging a bit on this discussion and only partly 'cos I had a fair bit to say in some earlier discussions about some club issues, which appear to have been resolved. My main reason for holding back was to see what might pop out of the woodwork. I think it was worth the wait.

I agree with C$$$$ about restructuring the club memberships and access privileges. I used to belong to another largish machinery on the 'net - no names, no pack drill - which has a 'no membership - no picture viewing' set-up. I'm not sure if they have a trial period or not but I do like C$$$$'s idea of a 2-month 'grace' period for new members in which they can view photos and scans but are cut off from that pleasure and privilege after the initial 2 months. They can still post and respond but no viewing of photos or scans. I do think though that this would need to made clear to all via a 'sticky' on the BB.

I also agree with the notion of membership with or without a magazine subscription. It costs to print the magazine and mail it, especially to 'foreigners' like me, and some members apparently are prepared to settle for an on-line copy of the magazine. I think that those who want the printed magazine ought not to expect those who are prepared to settle for an online version to subsidize their printed copies.

I suspect that there has been a fair bit 'number crunching' going on among various BoD members with regard to running costs, membership fees, etc.. I would hope that they adopt the 'TINSTAAFL' approach - "There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch".

Just my 0.02.

You have a wonderful day. Best wishes. Deas Plant.

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5 years 2 months ago #203192 by Crawler Dollars
Deas, I don't feel that 'freeloaders' (is that not politically correct?) should have the privilege of posting or commenting after the two month grace period. Folks can get by without viewing photos and such. Let them 'peek in' from the outside and see what they're missing by not joining...tough love :Cry:

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5 years 2 months ago #203195 by Deas Plant.
Replied by Deas Plant. on topic Privileges?
Hi, Crawler Dollars.
You are welcome to your views but I would suggest that denying non-members access to photos and scans could/would have an effect all its own if they are requesting information which can only be shown as a photo or a scan.

Denying ALL access after the initial 2 month grace period might have the effect of 'annoying' some people to the point where they would tell us to delicately insert the club where the sun doesn't shine.

Other than that, I would be supportive of having that Greek guy, Mr U. Payuporelse, directing who can and can not post or respond.

On another note, I don't have access to the member's register but I suspect that there are some people who are non-members but who do contribute to this BB by way of answers, ideas and information. Do you want to cut that off too?

Just my 0.02.

You have a wonderful day. Best wishes. Deas Plant.

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5 years 2 months ago #203199 by juiceman
Replied by juiceman on topic You may not like this...


I gave up trying to sign up online and called the number. A very nice lady named Mary got it all figured out for me.

Mary is everyone’s ACMOC cheerleader as I call her, she is such a vibrant person and valued asset to the club. It’s her fault that I still belong! I considered asking her to be our supreme leader (no offense Andy).
She is the definite go-to-gal. She will get you hooked up. JM

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5 years 2 months ago #203200 by janmeermans
As "Wombat" has already posted, we on the BoD are always pleased to hear comments and ideas on furthering the club. Thanks everyone for making a contribution to this discussion.

Deas has a point when he said "On another note, I don't have access to the member's register but I suspect that there are some people who are non-members but who do contribute to this BB by way of answers, ideas and information. Do you want to cut that off too?" We are cognizant of this situation and therefore have tread lightly to date.

From a practical matter, we are in process of moving to updated software that will replace the vBulletin that currently runs this forum. This is a long and confusing process but are encouraged by the progress we have made to date. On that, BIG THANKs to one of this BB's frequent posters who is actively pursuing this for us when he is not doing his "day job" of coming up with new software applications for one of the largest fire departments in the USA! There is a cost of moving to the new software and we have reserved our limited funds to making this change rather that spending it on the current software which would be necessary to make some of the changes being discussed on this thread. So as I am frequently forced to do, I ask everyone to be patient as we move forward understanding that those of us who volunteer our time will do the best that we can under the circumstances.

Thank you all for your interest! Oh, and on that thought, you have or will be receiving a ballot for electing the next Board of Directors. Please VOTE! We have spent a good deal to get that out to you and your cost is just a stamp and a signature to get them turned in. We messed this up last year but this years effort is in compliance with our by-laws and Oregon State regulations. This will not be like it has been done in the past and will be another "change" that some might resist, but unlike other years, we are in compliance! Changes to the by-laws is also being considered by the BoD and a subcommittee formed to do this. We will encourage feedback for this process too when the time comes. Work with us on this year's election and don't everyone have a "hissy fit" all at once if you don't like what see.

JanM, Director, Chairperson for the Magazine and Website Committee

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