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Who enjoys the club magazine and why?

2 years 2 months ago - 2 years 2 months ago #238973 by Deas Plant.
Hi, Folks.
Who enjoys the club magazine and why???????????????????????????

In an earlier post here on the BB, John Gaunt - gauntjoh - asked for volunteers to step up and help run the club magazine as Jan Meermans is leaving that committee within a year or so. To date, there has been EXACTLY ONE RESPONSE - - - MINE.

IF - and it starts to look like a BIGGGG 'if' - you want your magazine AND your club to continue to exist, at least some of you need to get your buttz into gear and start helping out. At least one of the current BoD members is EIGHTY years old and NONE of them are on the sunny side of forty years. These ARE volunteer positions and, yes, some them do involve a fair bit of work, especially the BoD positions.

BUTTTTTTT - - - if nobody takes on these positions, either on one or another of the various committees or on the BoD, the club AND the various chapters will cease to exist simply 'coz there is nobody doing the hard yards to keep them running. And bear in mind that would mean the end of the chapters as entities connected with ACMOC if ACMOC itself ceases to exist.

It would also mean the end of the BB and the tech. library.

Think about it, folks. How much do YOU value your club, your magazine, your tech library and all the helpful advice and information available here on the BB???????????????

Enough to move your buttz and help keep it running?????????????????????????????????????? Or are you just gonna let it all fall inna heap and die?

To those who HAVE contributed, I thank you. To the fence sitters, maybe it'z time for some soul searching asking yourselves what your club is worth to you.

Just my 0.02.

You have a wonderful day. Best wishes. Deas Plant.
Last edit: 2 years 2 months ago by Deas Plant.. Reason: Spelling

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2 years 2 months ago - 2 years 2 months ago #238977 by seiscat
I'm repeated this to you Deas, I already posted this to John Gaunt's post.   
I'm available for proofreading and other jobs on the magazine. I have contributed a story to the magazine and Mary can attest to my editing and proofreading skills. 
I'm not available for travel and my contributions to the magazine would have to be from my home.
Last edit: 2 years 2 months ago by seiscat.
The following user(s) said Thank You: lomaberndsen, FroghairFarm

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2 years 2 months ago #238981 by Deas Plant.
Hi seiscat.
Thank you for sticking your hand up. I have also told John that I am available to do what I can for the magazine. Like you, I am not available for travel, but technology can get us around that.

Back about 2010, I was on the ADNOMCOM committee which looked into the nomination and election 'rools' for the club and made some recommendations. It was only an ad hoc committee, formed for just that one task, but it helped me to gain some insight into the workings of the club as they were then and I have tried to keep some sort of handle on that since then. It was a bit of work at the time and a couple of international phone conferences but not a huge burden.

Just my 0.02.

You have a wonderful day. Best wishes. Deas Plant.

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2 years 2 months ago #238988 by trainzkid88
yes i have seen it happen with my own club. many where happy to criticise what the club secumatary Fred the garden gnome (he christened himself that. and well, he is short, a bit rotund and wears bib n brace overalls) put out for a club newsletter. now it wasnt flash and the editing was poor but Fred did his best even though he is a little dyslexic. but also did people submit stuff for the newsletter? no. did they offer to do it? no. and hence now we dont have a club newsletter for my club. other things have taken more of Fred's time and interest.

long story short the magazine is made by the contributions too it so every one contribute. and yes i need to pull my finger out and write up a article about progress so far in converting the d4 to modern diesel powered pilot engine with choice of recoil or electric start. i also need to simply finish the bloody conversion.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Deebo

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2 years 2 months ago #239008 by sheddcanyon
I greatly enjoy the magazine and I am happy to help in terms of script editing and writing an occasional article. There is something very satisfying about holding a well-produced, color publication in my hands that contains great historical and technical information.

That being said, I know it's crazy expensive to produce, print, and mail a magazine, even when there are paying advertisers and sponsors. I suggest the Board of Directors consider switching to a digital format. Unfortunately, that's the direction the world is going. Based on the popularity of this forum, our membership is 98.7% in the digital world already.

Feel free to reach out to me - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if I can help.

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2 years 2 months ago - 2 years 2 months ago #239011 by Mike Meyer
I was told the other day only about 10% of ACMOC members currently receive their magazine electronically, about 230, I have been for a few editions now, and must confess I prefer the paper version because I prefer to hold reading material in my hand. That's not saying anything negative about the electronic version, but for me, I'm still a dinosaur sadly, and am I unusual in our Club?

We need to be very careful with any decisions being made going forward, because 99.8% of our financial members do not use this bulletin board regularly, and my gut feeling is 75% of our financial members are not interested, or unable, to receive the magazine and Club communications electronically.

My local Chapter 19 held a meeting in May, there were about 35 people present, during the meeting I asked for a show of hands from those who regularly get on here, the bulletin board, and only 3 people put their hand up, which really shocked me, because at every Chapter 19 meeting the past few years, I and others, have discussed how good the bulletin board is, and that people should check it out.

So, if our most successful Chapter in the world, for membership growth AND retention, Chapter 19, with over 130 financial members, only has a handful using this bulletin board regularly, suggests we consult widely with our members before forcing electronic delivery of any information down their throat, whether that be the Club magazine or general Club notifications.
Last edit: 2 years 2 months ago by Mike Meyer.

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2 years 2 months ago #239015 by Deebo
Hi Mike,
Just to reassure you and not in any way to preempt the progressive restructuring plan for the club announced by our new President, I think the board is very aware of the current demographics of the club, given the number of members who don’t frequent this forum/bulletin board and also the relative lack of electronic only members. So personally I think every effort will be made to keep the paper magazine. There are significant challenges ahead not least of which is Jan’s wish to step down in the next year, so hopefully the new President’s appeal for help on another thread won’t fall on deaf ears. Funny thing is on a personal note, I prefer the electronic format as I can zoom in easily, eyesight not being what it once was.. but I realise I’m in the minority.



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2 years 2 months ago #239019 by sheddcanyon
I didn't realize most paying members did not use the website/forum. I thought everyone was just like me - very dangerous assumption, I know.

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2 years 2 months ago #239021 by Deas Plant.
Hi, sheddcanyon.
It has been known for quite some time and even mentioned here on the BB, although not all that 'loudly' or often, that the great majority of members - around 90% - don't frequent the BB. Sad but true and I suspect that any constructive ideas on how to grow that %-age would be much appreciated.

With the abundance of knowledge available among those who do use the BB, it would not be unreasonable to think that that knowledge base could be greatly expanded if the BB usage was to double or triple.

Just my 0.02.

You have a wonderful day. Best wishes. Deas Plant.

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