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I almost want to give up

16 years 3 months ago #17243 by ETD66SS

When I started buying all my equipment and working on my land project off road diesel was under $2 per gallon.

I need to fill my fuel truck this week and just got quoted $5.056 per gallon of off road diesel.

I really wished I could have finished digging my pond last summer when diesel was half the price...

Pretty much means when I take a week off of work to finish this pond, I'm gonna have to spend ~$3000 in fuel...

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16 years 3 months ago #17245 by Jack
Replied by Jack on topic I almost want to give up
At an all-time high price for feeder hay, I can chop the stand up and leave it on the ground instead of spending the whole check for fertilizer. Either way I have to pungle up for the diesel to make the hay or chop the hay. Guess which is easier.

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16 years 3 months ago #17257 by gwhdiesel75
And I thought filling my gasoline tank in my automobile tonight here in Chama, New Mexico, at 3.859 per gallon for the cheapest I could find was outrageous. It cost $50 to fill my automobile tank!! The most I ever paid in my life. I saw a sign on this trip for diesel at $4.799 per gallon and was flabbergasted. You write of diesel at over $5 per gallon?!

You know, this could kill our hobby the way we have always understood it in the past. Go to shows? Take tractors to shows? Run around in parades? Play in the dirt? There comes a time when we can't afford it anymore. And, unfortunately, I am just about there.

A retired member,


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16 years 3 months ago #17258 by Frank Fox
Replied by Frank Fox on topic I almost want to give up
I am also retired and on fixed income, it sure makes it hard to go get parts from where I live. I have to drive about 50 miles one way. I do as much as I can on the trips, hair cur, grocery shopping, pickup medication and what ever I can to eliminate so many trips, Do as much on line as I can and look for free shipping. I have cut back but am still planning to take the RD-6 to the BSOT, I think I have a ride for it but am looking for a backup truck if it falls apart for the genitive truck I have lined up. It is not to far from my place to Woodland, about 40 miles one way The madness of fuel pricing has to stop some time, just when? Too bad we cant park all the trucks and farm tractors and watch how fast something happens when there no grocery on the local city's store shelfs
I need not get started on a rant.
Hope to see you all at the Woodland show.
Frank Fox

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16 years 3 months ago #17259 by tctractors
Replied by tctractors on topic fuel cost,
Please dont moan about the U.S. cost of Diesel fuel ,in the U.K.its hit about £1.35 a litre = $13.00 a gallon??????
Things are realy getting tight.


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16 years 3 months ago #17260 by 7upuller
Replied by 7upuller on topic I almost want to give up

When I send two or three rigs on the weekend to Woodland it adds up. I donate towards the club, but it's not as easy. I laughed and said to myself, self your goverment is sure in touch with what American people need right now. Woosley just got approval from congress to put a forever halt to the possibility of OIL well drilling of the coast in Sonoma County, California. Oh HELL just what we need,:rolleyes: now we have to be more dependent on imported oil. Way to go Woosley. Boxer was qouted to being proud of their acheivement. They are going to spend $6.5 Million a year watching the coast line to make sure no one drills oil. $6.5 mill, I can do it for a $100,000. Our leaders have their head up their Ass. It's about time to put a stop to all the NIMBY attitudes that rule our society. When are going to decide to drill, when fuel is $15.00 a gal. When are we going to allow a new refinery, maybe at $22 a gal. Wake up People. Please have the guts to tell the NIMBY's to shut up, just for a while or this country is going to sink.-glen

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16 years 3 months ago #17262 by ETD66SS
Replied by ETD66SS on topic I almost want to give up

Please dont moan about the U.S. cost of Diesel fuel ,in the U.K.its hit about £1.35 a litre = $13.00 a gallon??????
Things are realy getting tight.


Well you don't really pay that much more for the petroleum, you government just rapes you way more on taxes...

And I thought in the UK a lot of your diesel is biodiesel from rapeseed?

Here is curremt pricing, notice how my state is right up there with California prices:

UK pricing:

By my calculations:

1 US GAL = 3.785 litres

1.279 GBP = 2.528 USD

$2.528 X 3.785 l/gal = $9.57/gallon of Diesel in the UK.

So you're paying $4.52 more per gallon of diesel. Not sure how much of that is taxes... But in any event, yes, this sucks for everyone.

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16 years 3 months ago #17264 by SJ
Replied by SJ on topic Property Tax Increase
You can,t believe how this County of Luzerne has reaccessed our property here in Pa. I think they had a 5 yr. old kid do the accessing as each day the paper has someone who bought their home in the last year or so and what they paid then for it and what this outfit accessed it for now, some twice or three times that amount.So many have already protested and I am too. My one an old small home about 75 yr. old went up almost triple in taxes so I,m going to appeal too and it needs lots of repairs to even bring the price up 25 % more in value and housing has taken such a dip around here as I,m sure has all over.These people running our Co. just spend and spend on foolish things that don,t benefit anything.The Co. road by my place is in a horrible shape and has been for sometime now and full of holes and broken up macadam.The state road through town isn,t much better with such bad holes and dips in the pavement and you can,t believe the travel on it in a day with it being the main route to so many other towns around here.This new accessment would take a full month of my small pension and SS check and both don,t amount to that much as I,m just barely getting along on it now with everything else so high now esp. fuel and heating costs.

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16 years 3 months ago #17265 by Deas Plant.
Hi, Folks.
I received this piece from an American contact a few days ago. I thought it p[ainted a picture of 'leaders' way out of touch with the REAL world.

May 21, 2008 - 13:02 ET

Stu: This blog paid for by big oil

STU: Ladies and gentlemen, we now recognize from the great state of really stupid people or voter fraud or something.

GLENN: I don't think that's necessary.

STU: Mr. Representative Glenn Beck.

GLENN: Representative?

STU: Representative senator, the representative senator Glenn Beck.

GLENN: Can't we get this right?

STU: Here's the pudgy guy.

GLENN: Enough. We brought together the heads of big oil. See that big head over there? Yeah, he runs Shell. That one? That runs ExxonMobil. Mr. Big oil, we're here to talk about the high price of gasoline. How could it have possibly gotten this high?

Let me tell you what we've done here in congress. We told you that drilling in ANWR is off limits. We told you that drilling off the coast of Florida and California is off limits. We told you, Mr. Big oil, that there wouldn't be any new leases for drilling in the Gulf while China and Venezuela and even Cuba pursued these leases and have just signed 100-year leases on the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. We here in congress have promised, as all three presidential candidates have also promised, to introduce and pass in the next term a cap and trade legislation bill that will increase the price of gasoline according to the EPA by an additional $1.50. Some people say it could be as high as $5 additional per gallon. Order, order. We have said that we're shutting down oil fields in Colorado. We won't let you develop shale oil fields in several Western states. And yesterday we passed legislation that would let us sue OPEC with the full understanding that they'll never retaliate. Yes. We have allowed environmental attorneys to sue you big oil fiends for future possible destruction of Alaskan Eskimo village which legal experts believe is the same strategy used to bring down big tobacco. We're especially proud of our recent action to protect the polar bear and their habitat which just happens to be where the future oil deposits happen to be located. We told you that you're making too much money and that we're looking at seizing any money that we consider windfall profits. Yes. We have allowed you to drill in some very small areas in Alaska while simultaneously creating very generous environmental laws which have tied up the very production we authorize through years of litigation after you spent the money on buying and setting up equipment. We told you through our policies that we would not allow you to build a new refinery in over 30 years. In fact, this great country, under our tutelage, has even reduced the number of operational refineries by half since 1982. Order, order, order. We have even told your potential competitors in the nuclear and hydroelectric industries that we would send the environmental lawyers after them if they even dared think about building a new plant or a new dam. We've refused to fund or allow the deployment of coal-to-oil technology which has been around since the 1930s. We've told you that you have to make different blends of gasoline, let states like California dictate what unique gasoline blends you have to make for them. We will not reduce our federal gasoline tax. We won't even consider reducing it for the summer months. So Mr. Big oil, tell me why exactly are gas prices so high? Order, order!

Stop. That's what should be said. Thank you. That's what should be said. Instead congress is going to bring big oil in front of them today and say, "Oh, oh, are you price gouging?" .

More fuel for the fire?

You have a wonderful day. Best wishes. Deas Plant.

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16 years 3 months ago #17272 by Billy D7 4T
So, what happens when the fuel prices turn things upside down, there has to be a point where fuel dependent necessities like the transportation industry and all others dependent on it will reach a breaking point because as the price of everything goes up, selling prices have to also go up. What happens when people really can't afford things due to this. Salaries do not increase, prices go way up, people cut back, and those who don't live beyond their means play the game until there is no game to play, it's every person for themselves at some point, excuse me uh mr government, so uh WTF do we need you for anymore, you're not doing the job for the people, yer fired, we have a new government..... the people !

Seriously though, looks like impending doom here, no one really knows what the heck is going to happen, where we are headed, just a bunch of cattle being herded towards what, a cliff or better grazing ???

You realize that the middle eastern terrorists must really be enjoying this, just keep fooling with crude oil long enough, kind of like bombardment from the air before the invasion, softening things up ? Paranoid or not we are wallowed in the mire, and sinking quickly here, really time to make changes and solve the problems or it will be reality.

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